Under Wessex Skies


Has this situation come about because of the utter incompetence of the government, or is it a prelude to the abandonment of Brexit?

I can't make up my mind. The government are it seems stock piling food and medicines just in case the UK leaves the EU without a deal. It's as if we are on a war footing, and it is to say the least very worrying.

What I can't decide is if this situation has come about because of the utter incompetence of the government, or whether it is a prelude to the abandonment of Brexit.

If it is the former, then would our government be any better than the EU? I voted to leave in part because it was apparent to me that the EU did not care about the wellbeing of the people of Europe. The European project would continue, regardless of the cost to the people. Now, it is becoming apparent that Brexit is likely to have a detrimental effect on the wealth and wellbeing of the people of this country. By pushing on with the project, and knowing the potential damage it could cause, is our government any better than the EU?

The other possibility is that what is happening now is a gradual application of pressure, a continuation of Project Fear, preparing the populace for the moment when the government says it is abandoning Brexit. With warnings of the potential for catastrophic economic damage growing ever louder, who but the most die hard of leavers would object if the government brought Brexit to a halt? Such a scenario has one flaw. It assumes the government know what they are doing.

26th July 2018

#brexit #eu #politics