Science fiction short stories

On publishing CC licensed and short stories

Photo of the Marciana library in Venice

Random thoughts

Creative Commons

Recently, I began to immerse myself in Creative Commons literature.

In principle, I can only agree with the existence of CC licenses. Plus they are well designed and quite flexible, but then I've stumbled on tons of crappy stories.

I was about to give up when I came across the writings of Peter #Watts and Lewis #Shiner. I hope I'll discover new authors.

Short stories

The shorter the better.

Reading on a computer is fine for texts of reasonable size, but beyond that it's unpleasant.

And of course, even if the blog looks great on mobile – it's almost as nice as reading an ebook on the Kindle app or an epub app – on a phone, unless you cut the notifications and restrict the use of certain apps for a given period of time, it has become difficult to be able to read even a short article in one go...


Photo: A rainy day at the Biblioteca Marciana and the Procuratie nuove palace in Venice – Wolfgang Moroder (some rights reserved)