A place where stuff falls out of my mind and onto the electronic writing space


I’ve dreamt about going back in time. I don’t want to go back and do it all over again permanently because there are so many ways it could turn out worse than it is now. But there are plenty of things I dislike about my existence in this reality. So I wish I could go back in some parallel timeline and make a chance to see what would be different. Maybe I went to college instead of the military, or maybe I didn’t marry that girl from high school that sent me down a path of pain. Or maybe I do marry her and become a different person this time and she stays around. Maybe I become a millionaire or maybe I die early. It would be enlightening and fascinating to see what changes might occur by decisions within my control.

I wouldn’t want this to be a re-do however. I’d like to return to the present and live it out the way it’s supposed to go. I think it would be cheating if we could change things and keep the other timeline. Who knows what the repercussions and ripples would affect and who might fare worse because of our change?

Maybe the afterlife gives us some sort of review or insight into our choices. Right now, I can’t help but wonder “what if.” What if I had dome something differently…