Things I learned while programming as a Petri-net maximalist.

Stateless Petri Nets in Gnoland

šŸš€ Iā€™m working to build a package: /p/pflow/metamodel !
(WIP on github)

How This Works: Petri Nets in Gno

The p/pflow/metamodel package now includes a set of functions that allow Petri nets to be declared and then serialized as:

  1. JSON Data URLs (for programmatic consumption)

  2. SVG Data URLs (for direct visualization in Gno Markdown)

  3. Markdown Image Embeds (to display Petri nets inside contract descriptions)

  4. Markdown Hyperlinks (to share and interact with Petri nets on external viewers)

See an example of how to use this on my home realm: /r/stackdump/home