On Immortality, Treasures, and Ancient Wisdom

On Longevity

The big promise of magic, especially that attributed to the Count of St. Germain, is longevity or even immortality. While the spirits insist that true immortality is out of reach to humans “by design,” the possibility of life extension by hundreds or even thousands of years exists.

The quest for longevity or immortality has been around since at least ancient Mesopotamia, and 21st century is no exception. We understand that “not dying” is insufficient definition. Further, we can add that health-span vs. life-span is a better way of looking at, for no one wishes to exist in a decrepit stage just to count extra days.

I suggest that the Triangular Book presents a further refinement of the idea. Beyond extending one’s life with good health, its other goals point to the sort of life that is worthwhile living. Discovering things lost in the seas can be interpreted in many ways: from literal treasure hunting to lost secrets to encouraging trade and communicate between different people. Likewise with locating precious materials within the earth: there is the physical wealth aspect and there is also the enterprise perspective, requiring coordination and skills of many individuals. Moreover, any of these goals even if attempted if not fully realized, make for a life filled with adventure and meaning.

And therein lies another secret of longevity. Time spent engaged in meaningful labour on grand projects bring colour to existence. If Count of St. Germain simply lived as a hermit in some far off land, who would consider his life desirable even if he were to claim millennia as his span? Instead, we have accounts of trials, successes, and failures. Intrigue, adventure, and mystery. And enough stories to charm the crowns of European elite. That his story lives on to today is a testament of his longevity.