Never underestimate the power of storytelling.

A time and a place

I can't believe you're slacking. We're on a run here, so close to the solution! Let's think about it again from the beginning one more time and we will find a solution!
You. Better. Work.

It's so very nice of you George not to get tired. I know you can be annoying but this is a new level.
Come on, I'm encouraging you, isn't that what you asked for?
You are only “nice” because you want something, because you're not happy with what I'm doing or not doing. That's not a compliment, it's an insult!!

And yet, you're so close. Give it another shot, you know what they say: There's no time like the present.
That might be true but right now it's 4am in the morning.
Let. Me. Sleep.

Seriously. Fighting during the day was one thing but this is ridiculous. Every waking moment he can sneak onto the front shield of my brain, blocking my vision, just to derail me. So far, nothing new.
But tonight I just woke up for a couple of minutes and here he was.
Are you still under the illusion I could get away? Could go for a walk, maybe take a vacation abroad?
Trust me, I wouldn't mind. I like my sleep. Definitely more than your company.

I feel hurt and misunderstood. Do you think it's fun to disagree with you all the time? I want to help you, encourage you...
(Still doubting that)
...just look at this conversation and consider all the problems we could have solved in the meantime. It looks to me like you are the one derailing ME!

4am. And now I am the evil self-talk of my self-talk. Makes me chuckle and wonder what Freud would have said about it. He might have missed a third voice here, better not go there or jinx it.

You can't run away from your tasks. They will still be waiting for you in the morning
A wonderful idea. Shall we call it a deal and then call it a night?
After all: When I'm tired it's you who blames me for it!

You make it sound like a an evil plan.
It sure looks like it...

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