Never underestimate the power of storytelling.

Homecoming with insight

It gotten rather quiet here on my blog (not in my mind, George is still there) and that is no accident:
I finished the year of posts I set out to complete. And, frankly, I didn’t expect to be successful. Maybe I should say that “George” doubted me
Still do!
and of course he is a part of me but it was a rather liberating process to give him a name, motivations, and patterns of action.

Storytelling doesn’t require words but the picture is easier drawn with them. Sorting my inner whirlwind of voices might not add a single additional marble to the pool, yet I have a map to point and call out.

Voices swirling around in the mind
Even in a mixture, it can be helpful to see the parts

Where to we go from here? And why does this post sound so much like a goodbye?

I don’t have a definite answer. My StoryGator blog will enter a more quiet time for now. No weekly posts, but definitely ones when George is having a tantrum again!
Or when you having a tantrum and I try to get you to see sense which you then ignore.

Until then, I want to take some time going over older posts, maybe rewriting some – I found my style on the journey and I want to see this project turn into a ebook. For this, I prefer some order and consistency.

Apart from that work, there will be a new storytelling art project. I just haven’t figured it out yet. I have the strong feeling it will involve George again. We've come this far and gotten to know each other a bit. We experience this life together but narrate different stories. It still keeps me excited!

Please be patient, I promise to announce any follow-up here!

A big thank you to every one of you for following this project and joining on the road!!