Never underestimate the power of storytelling.

Shame on me if I fool me daily

Unrelated to my accomplished milestone (or very much related indeed, I leave this up to your judgement), here's the dark spot. The topic which was on my mind from the beginning and which I didn't want to cover: the imposter syndrome.

Go on then. You claim to be an expert on this one.

I know perceive a lot of my friends to suffer from this. The more they accomplish, the more they reach, the more competent they seem to be... the less they seem to believe it.
Instead, there is a deeply rooted belief to be imposters and to be one day exposed as what they think they truly are: a fraud

Regarding self-talk, this topic is spicy. When you talk so an “imposter” (for simplicity I will call the victims of imposter syndrome “imposter” now, the quotation marks being an essential eye-winking part of the phrasing)...
Enough remarks, the readers will get it. Don't bore them with your pitiful diversion from the topic!

As I was trying to say: Talking to “imposters” is spicy. There is a high chance to directly talk to their self-talk unfiltered. They won't admit fraud – who would – but they start reasoning with against you while you shoot proof after proof at them. The better their rationality, the more proof-proof they become!

The effect reaches new heights when two “imposters” argue about who is more successful... You enter a “ménage à quatre” with two self-talks taking the lead.
Ah, my siblings inspirit. So nice to be with family.

But George isn't as much interested in the imposter syndrome as in the dark spot.
Indeed! Tell them why you postponed the topic. If you can, that is.

I try. Don't interrupt me. If you can, that is.

When I started this project about self-talk, imposter syndrome was an obvious topic. But also a big one, cultivated over years, caused by so many things. Covering it seemed to be too big a thing.
And what's more problematic: I can't write it as a self-talk I overcame. If I honestly consider myself an expert on imposter syndrome, I'd admit to be an “imposter”. But being an “imposter” means...
Say it! Say it! evil grin believe you're not.
Muhahahaha. Checkmate

A trap so deep, you're never good enough to reach the bottom of the well. Never sure enough that nobody has before. Never brave enough to return to the light.
And yet it keeps you on your feet. Makes you reach new heights and spins this world.

What do we do then? Every milestone simply being the “last milestone before the next”. I start to believe that all of us are recovering “imposters”. Maybe that's all we can ever achieve in this regard. And today I choose to celebrate that. Today's the day I honour this milestone on the eternal road of “imposter” recovery.

Next post: “If it ain't broke, have you ever fixed it”
Last post: “Told me so”