You need to be at least this effort-investing to join the ride
We all occasionally do thing “just for fun”. From barely noticeable things like humming a melody over doodling on a sheet of paper to more lasting actions like fixing a broken thing in your place.
Side note, if you feel the urge to intervene and claim to never ever ever ever do something “just for fun”: Maybe talk to a good friend, I respect your attitude to life but it might not be as healthy as you think :(
Side note aside (yeah, I couldn't leave that one be), there is this nagging voice in your head, especially for the more lasting actions:
Hmm, well you should have put more effort in. I mean, you invested time, didn't you?
We had some old drawer handles which we decorated. A bit of glue, some metal sheets – a bit of gold, a bit of silver – with the clear idea that it was meant to only highlight it a bit and any unintentional used-look could be covered up as “art”.
And yet...
And yet... if I happen to maybe look at them for only 5 min a week, assuming maybe 10 years of use,... (calculating) ... I will perceive them as they are for over 43 hours.
Sounds to me like you could have invested another hour to put in more effort.
Great, just what I was waiting for: guilt-inducing drawer handles.
You normally start about now to disagree with me. Gotten soft for Christmas?
Not precisely, George, no. You're probably right. Logically. And it is a spikey path into dark woods: If 50 people read this post here, investing maybe 2 min of their time on it...
Can it ever be truly good enough?
I can't debunk your point logically or mathematically, and so I won't.
But isn't there the famous “bigger picture”? Following the spikey path into the dark woods, looking for the clearing of perfection, illuminated by the pale moonlight of disapproval... I won't ever get sh*t done.
I would never finish anything, maybe not even starting more than the one thing I never finish. Starving to death because the soup just “doesn't taste rich enough yet”.
My drawer handles sparkle in the light while still opening the drawer. Time invested, enhancement achieved.
If I doodle on a sheet of paper, the paper will nonetheless end in the bin. And without perfectionism, I might have enough time to empty that bin one day.
You live below your possibilities and my expectations.
But I live. I want to do things “just for fun” to... gain fun. Having enough time left to talk to a good friend to check if we're both still healthy.
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