just some thoughts, in english and in french. (with lots of typos, barely any punctuation and grammar errors)

I had a dream. It took place in Algeria, all my relatives were there. The world is ongoing an environmental crisis. The Government and all the media use the moon as their scapegoat. The moon is the reason for the crisis. And the world believes that, I don’t. The moon is my queen, the earth and us living on it need her. Still, to fix the crisis one must destroy the moon. Everyone is out to watch it happen, I am too, I am angry and scared, this is the end of the world, they send explosives to the moon and she just disappears, living us in the dark. It was a full moon. I am arrested, and am used to feed the government’s propaganda, before being executed. I don’t want to live on a moonless earth anyway. I’m not scared, I gave up.