Public display of my private journal

Story of my life

I understand them
They don’t understand me
I see them
They don’t see me
I get them
They don’t get me

They say
“Talking to you is like talking to air”
I was being as vulnerable as I could
I understood at that moment
They are not capable of seeing me
For who I am

That’s all I wanted

They enjoy my company
But they make me wanna be alone
They love talking to me
Of course, they do, I am listening the whole time
They can be themselves around me
I am glad they feel that way
I wish I felt the same around them

And they will never know
Any of these feelings

You know what
I still choose to give
Even if they don’t register that as giving
To them, giving involves something tangible
Something monetary
Something you can only see with the eyes
Something you can measure

There’s all sorts of giving
Everyone is different
Every single person born in this world
Came with a unique role
I am starting to understand mine
I understand theirs, too

I accept my role
I am still gonna be me.