Add a Meraki VPN and uninstall OpenVPN GUI with GPO and Powershell

#Windows #Powershell #Networking

A company I'm working with is looking to move from an OpenVPN connection to a Meraki VPN on newly installed MX hardware.

To accomplish this, I wrote a short script that can be deployed in GPO that adds the new VPN connection and uninstalls the existing OpenVPN application.

Here's the script:

# Migrate-VPN.ps1
# Adds a new Meraki VPN config and removes the existing OpenVPN GUI application.
# Tim D'Annecy 2022-08-04

Start-Transcript -Path 'C:\temp\Migrate-VPN.log'
function Add-VPN {
  $ConnectionName = 'New VPN'
  $ServerAddress = 'XXXyourhostnameXXX'
  $PresharedKey = 'XXXyourpskXXX'

  $check = Get-VpnConnection -Name $ConnectionName -AllUserConnection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  if ($check) {
    Write-Host 'VPN connection named' $ConnectionName 'already exists. Exiting.'
  else {
    Write-Host 'Adding VPN connection' $ConnectionName
    Add-VpnConnection `
      -Name $ConnectionName `
      -ServerAddress $ServerAddress `
      -TunnelType L2tp `
      -EncryptionLevel Optional `
      -L2tpPsk $PresharedKey `
      -AuthenticationMethod Pap `
      -RememberCredential $true `
      -AllUserConnection  $true `
      -Force `
      -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

function Remove-OpenVPN {
  if (Test-Path -Path 'C:\Program Files\OpenVPN') {
    Write-Host 'OpenVPN installed. Removing...'
    (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -filter "Name LIKE 'OpenVPN%'").Uninstall() | Out-Null
  else {
    Write-Host 'OpenVPN not installed. Exiting.'


Copy and paste this script into your \\\SYSVOL\scripts folder and save it as Migrate-VPN.ps1.

Once you've done this, go into Group Policy Management and create a new GPO Object that does 3 things:

With these things in place, you should see the changes trickle out to your environment as the machines check in.
