Of Sunsets and Sandcastles
#English #ilukirjandus #olemine
„Isn’t it the perfect visual metaphore?“
„Of what?“
They were standing on the beach. A thin blanket of clouds was covering parts of the sky towards the horizon. In many parts, the wind had ripped holes into it or torn and blown away bits across the golden sky. Evening sun was hidden behind the clouds for the moment, but bright edges near a hole in the clouds were a clear indication, that it was about to peek through very soon. Sunset was perhaps half an hour away and was promising to be a spectacular sight.
Strong spring wind had whipped the sea into foamy waves. White rabbits, his grandparents had called these waves, when he was a kid in their summer house next to a large lake. Now, white rabbits where running everywhere up and down the beach.
„Of the human condition.“
They were looking at two lumps of sand before their feet, that were being quickly washed away, wave after wave. These were the remnants of the walls of a sand castle, that they had spent several hours building earlier in the day. The castle yard had been big enough for several people to stand in, encircled by a sand wall, enforced with stones, then a moat and then several wave breakers made of sticks and stones. Since then, the wind had picked up and while the stones of the wave breakers were still visible, the waves were washing over them, the moat had been filled in and only two backmost segments of the wall were still standing. Soon, nothing would remain of the castle, the sand would again be evenly distributed across the beach, the energy they had spent building it washed out to sea.
„You see this infinite potential in all the sand. And then you create, not because you have to, not because you need to, but simply because you can. For the act of pure creation itself. You invest your love, you spend your energy, knowing full well, that all of it will be erased. Time will run its course, entropy will invariably increase and all the forms you have assembled will be evenly spread out once more. Without a trace.“
„Yeah, I suppose it is quite apt.“
A hole in the clouds aligned with the setting sun. For the next minute, people on the beach walking their dogs or jogging, if they happened to be looking up, could see a flaming viking ship stream across the western sky.