Feeling stupid today. But I think will be better tomorrow.
"Oh I want to look like a girl nerd because I'm an academic and that's cool.
And while we are at it, I hate feminists because they devalue people with more...
I actually haven't bought avoidant as an attachment style, or bought attachment...
♫ Overseas from coast to coast to find a place I love the most ♪
Talking about being arrogant and smear campaigns, I had the promiscuous...
Borderline is way more of a sore thumb to me than narcissistic.
Some problematic people who compared war to rape is splitting.
Saw some very ugly fake nails today.
"Oh no, I only act narcissistic and borderline online because strangers are...
So the stereotype is that therapists are depressive people.
My handwriting is at 4th grade at best and I still don't have a signature.
The problem with quotes is that it's not your original thoughts and everyone...
I still hate classical.
My mom drove my sister an hour to the violin class every weekend and an hour...
The one advantage an average boy has over me is the ability to carry heavy...
Yes I do have a trustable face.
Why is it so hard to just admit gender roles are working for you?
Feeling sad today because everyone is so confident with their dignity while...
So Claire, instead of confessing to herself, like a normal person, that "I...
⇠ Older