A man came to several psychiatric hospitals to treat his depression and anxiety. He couldn't sleep for days and was in constant worry.

His situation was that his son disowned him. He has been very helpful to his relatives. If they needed help catering for the holidays or doing home renovations, he would be the first one to appear. But one of the relatives couldn't see eye to eye with him. This person is known to be very opportunistic and exploitative so everyone else hates this person too. But he hated this person more than anybody else and couldn't stand in the same room with this person. Which caused many uneasy situations around other family members.

He was then prescribed with meds to cure his symptoms of insomnia and depression.

But there is no such thing as disorder of depression without disorder of personality traits. You would then ask which personality trait that causes him disorderly?

You see, what he didn't mention was that he took money of many people, didn't pay it back, then moved to another city and opened a new business there. He has also been abusive toward his wife and kids and forced them to do things his way.

But how can he be selfish if he always helps his relatives? How can he, himself, be exploitative, if he stands up to an evil person who exploits others?

He wanted to find cures for his immediate symptoms. But does he want to treat the root of it, which lies in the way of his functioning in the world?

If you want to find narcissistically disordered people who present as arrogant asshats, they rarely exist, if at all. They present as depressed.