All people I know who are big fans of bottling up turned out to be reaction formation practitioners and have very little sense of self.


A huge part of knowing yourself is knowing how you feel and what you are capable of. People think talking about trauma is useless because you only visit sad memories and can't do anything about it. That's because you talk about it the wrong way.

Talking about things is useless when you only paint yourself as either a helpless victim or a badass survivor who fears no one.

How do you know what you are capable of in the moment of extreme anger? How do you know what you are capable of in the moment of financial loss?

And what happens when you don't think about the past at all? You act in a way that benefits you at the moment while sabotaging you long term. You will always be opportunistic because you learned nothing from experiences. You will never have a sense of self because you know nothing about yourself.

About people I know, they run away from one mistake to another because they don't have the emotional capacity to deal with the outcomes. The capacity that most of us have to learn incrementally as we grow. And they invent “wisdom” at every turn to rationalize why they do what they do. They will continue to sabotage themselves, because life is a sequence, not separate events.