Boys spend too much time convincing themselves they are not petty. But they are as petty as every other girl. The worse ones are those who deny it.

In abuse support groups, people who spell out “I'm angry, I hate the person, I hate what they did to me” have more chance of recovery than the ones who say “I don't hate her because I know she is a good person trapped in a horrible disorder” or “You should know people who do that are not worth it/not meant to be”.

The first one acknowledges their emotions, therefore has a chance to process loss and grief to move on. The latter are too busy building their reputation as generous, good, caring people to even know themselves, wrapped in rationalization and moralization. They get more paranoid over time, learning from their “abusers”. And they continue to project the paranoia to the next person.

You see how in dating people say the word “baggage” like you are expected to validate someone's paranoia out of compassion. Instead the person themselves should learn how to deal with loss. But yes, they are normally the same people who brag about bottling up and think it won't blow up in their faces.