Diagnosed BPD ratio is girls:boys=3:1, NPD ratio is girls:boys=1:3. And no one dares to draw conclusions in public.

While borderline girls (and boys who want to be girls) are bragging about their care and empathy against cruelty among people. Borderline boys (and girls want to be boys) are bragging about their integrity against cruelty among nations.

Apparently it all goes back to the whimsy of your teenage where girls are conditioned to be nurtured and boys are conditioned to be courageous. But since none of those traits are learned through experiences but rather as a mental shortcut to paradise of love and worthiness, they decide to deny all the contradiction.

In short, they all deny their own aggression. But with different outfits to be more socially desirable. As we know many of them do take financial favors from their “relationships”.