My other best friend

Last day junior high, everyone cried among their friends. At the same time, I was happy it was about time to cut contact with all of them. Including one of my close friends at the time. It turned out we had nothing in common. He was very social and had a lot of other friends, so the friendship probably wouldn't last long anyway. I was already an avoidant at that time, it didn't occur to me that emotional connection was part of the friendship.

Few months later, his mom passed away of cancer. Out of all people, he called me first. Didn't know we were that close. I showed up the next day, still didn't cry at the funeral while all of his other friends were in tears. That night we made a pact that any time he wanted to talk or send me a text, he was free to do so. And I wouldn't mind what nonsense he wanted to talk about.

Eta was my best friend who grew up with me having the same experiences. But Khanh was my best friend who grew up with me so I can learn about empathy for people with different experiences.