I've never seen anyone, GIVEN the chance to talk about feelings, chooses to bottle up. Most of the time, they gave out too much information than anyone wanted to hear. I mean, we are just coworkers. It's gonna make it harder for me to turn on you later.
And those who brag about bottling up, does that because being a victim benefits them better.
But how can they intentionally be a victim if they keep things to themselves to keep the peace for everyone else? If anything, they must be a very selfless person!
A man feels sad about how nobody gets him. He does everything for his friends but receives so little. Even when his friends are rude to him, he tries to forgive them and never complains. But he is sad because even with all that effort to keep the friendships, they don't seem to spend half as much of their effort to maintain it.
What he doesn't say is he needs to keep the friendships because they are also his partnerships in business. If he speaks out his anger, he would then have to deal with a potential financial loss. If he acknowledges he both is angry at his “friends” and needs to keep the relationships for the business's sake, he would then have to face the truth about himself, that he has greed. And that he chooses greed over his authentic feelings.
By adopting the position of a masochistic stand to bottle up feelings, he maintains a dignified position as a person and gets to keep the profit. If anything goes wrong, we can always blame toxic masculinity!
That's why trapped in a toxic environment, it's always the healthy ones leave first.