People with stupid opinions about genders annoy me.
Goodnight tutor. See you tomorrow.
I know your several other special interests.
Moralizers frequently mistake having preferences for having a better moral.
Young adults mostly wrote stories describing what happened and that was just it.
If your religion tells you that you are selfless.
Of course one can be a legitimate victim and that shouldn't be something to be...
Denying greed and you are victim of competitions.
When you are conditioned that your gender has no rage, the quickest way to...
Actually I wanted to go for physics at first.
Don't make your own decisions so you can outsource blames later and call it...
Can tell how often someone makes their own decisions and not parents or friends...
Talking about Korean, my crush looks exactly like male leads from shoujo.
The Korean make a lot of moving songs out there.
Only listen to romantic songs very recently because as a teenager, my feelings...
Rationalization is largely based on cultural norms.
There is a group of people I wanted so badly for the lack of doing their own...
People who wanted to steal your homework are now socialists and would like you...
Although I did go to competitions so I could ditch gym classes as much as I...
People say "Girls who care about looks are shallow, beauty is on the inside."...
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Newer ⇢