Those boys who talk about war and stuff (they don't talk much about domestic issues because it's too feminine) should know that every time they spell out self-righteous ideology/philosophy that sounds righteous but far from reality out of their own righteousness and not lack of education, they look both stupid and narcissistic.

You know what parents do to protect girls? They tell them not to go out late alone. Well there are a bunch of other things too, but I don't drink or drive so that's hardly anyone's concern. You can talk all day about girls having all the right to wear revealing clothes in the middle of the night on the street. That does not reflect reality and you know it.

Freud said, “Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have so to speak pawned a part of their narcissism”. It doesn't mean that you pretend you are lesser than others. It means that when you love someone, you will need to think about their differences, and to see them as normal human with fear and weakness. You therefore have more understanding of the human condition. Thinking of normal working people as heroes who need to fight for democracy or whatever vague values you have that hardly affect them in real life and might make them lose a limb or two is the opposite of that. Especially when you yourself never stand up to a bully or have the gut to tell your friends to stop cheating.