What do you think about my story the other day? I guess casual conversation can be fun too when it's not a distasteful detail about personal life of someone we don't care for.

Anyway, the creepy ads came from a charity for families who have autistic children. So like most non profit, I guess about 1% of the funding went toward the family and the rest was to sustain the organization. Since the target audience is sympathetic fellow parents, the product is tragedy of another family. They only presented the most severe cases, normally autism combined with intellectual disability or something else I don't remember. But you can have autism without the other disabilities. The general public didn't know that. They also had grants for research to find cures to fit the tragedy narrative.

Now that we entered a brand-new world. That big organization was soon replaced by several others that promised to empower actual autistic people and not toward masochistic parents because they were actually kind of annoying to us growing up. The new target audience is adolescents and young adults, the product is fake identity. It came with bad gene affirming therapy as well. So you see a lot of job options are opening up. The economy is booming. Research to find cures is now categorized as eugenics. Instead, we need to fund grants for philosophy in communism. Oh, it's real. Because communism promises a better world where everyone helps each other with their best quality and efforts. Capitalism is evil and apparently even when our special interests are profitable, someone else is taking advantage of us therefore an attack on our identity.

Every business model can only last for a certain amount of time. Good business always starts with the question of who will buy your product first. Only after answering that question, you can start with the ideas of the product itself.