
It's Monday and I worked from home today... and that's it. I have found that I have not much to say on this blog. Kinda surprising considering how much I was itching to create this kind of blog. It turns out, I really just don't have much to say about my day, or some of it I just don't deem worthy to publish, or some of it will take away from content on my other blogs.

Don't read this as a bad thing. One aspect of blogging is self-reflection and this is exactly what just happened to me. In my first post for this blog I said I was itching for a new blog to let the words flow. I thought I had a lot of things to say. It turns out, I didn't.

Back then, when I had this kind of blog, I did have a lot to say. I also only had one blog. Now though, I have a number of other blogs, most of which would cover most of the topics that I would write about on this blog. And so I have learned, that even with the itch for a new blog, I have found that my other blogs are enough. I don't need a new one to let the words flow. I mean the words did flow for a few days, but it dried up just as quick.

Again, for someone new to blogging or wanting to start out with blogging, don't look at this in a negative light. This is me finding out what works and what doesn't. That's a good thing.

I'll leave this blog up for the time being as a reminder to myself that, whenever I feel the itch to create a new blog, I probably don't need one.

To everyone else, keep on blogging. I'll catch you in my other blogs. Peace!