Day 10
What a stupidly stressful day. I wish I could get into it but it’s too personal. The worst of it was at least one part of it could have been avoided if it wasn’t for incompetence. If someone (not me) had just checked the schedule!
I didn’t get much writing done but I am starting to put together the basic plots of all the ideas in my backlog. Currently there is 10+ stories to write. But luckily some of them are short stories because I suspect when people ask to read something that not everyone has time for a full-length saga.
I wrote a short prompt – it was trash. But oh well, just keep going – at least it got me writing. I liked writing yesterday’s extra post on tech tools, it was short and to the point. But I would be lying if I didn’t prefer writing something longer and a little “meatier” related to an actual piece of work like a review or a deep dive into something.
Today’s Lesson: Fear doesn’t go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day. (From Steven Pressfield’s turning pro)
Tomorrow: Hopefully I can have proper outlines under development & start planning out some characters. Starting the next extra post would be nice and actually thinking about it rather than writing it off the cuff.
Till Tomorrow.