Exploring experience, perception, and meaning with a fresh, philosophical perspective. Join me as we question norms and embrace new ways of thinking.

God, Energy, and the Myth of Balance

Love and hate are human constructs. So are good and bad, right and wrong, left and right, up and down. Even time is a human construct created through our perception of reality.

If those are all human constructs and all experience is otherwise neutral, then how is experience created? Where does the idea of balance come from?

I made a bonus podcast episode today that will come out on Saturday, and I unintentionally tripped on this question in the middle of the episode. You’ll hear me try to work it out but I don’t really get there. So, let’s see if I can work it out here.

God is the God of all that is, not the God of only the things we like or consider good. But does God create balance? Is the spectrum of love and hate human or Universal?

For the experience to be entirely neutral, love and hate have to be human. Balance must also be human in order for the experience to be completely neutral. God therefore, is doing nothing more than allowing the experience to occur. God creates an all-encompassing acceptance of everything.

Where did the idea of balance come from? I believe it’s a human means of reconciling opposing forces. It’s a way for humans to work out the duality of existence. I think pawning off the idea of balance on God or any higher power, gives us a way to rationalize or justify the experience. If there’s a higher power controlling things, then that means I’m not going to get more than I think I can handle. It’s a mental barrier of sorts that offers some sort of protection from overwhelm.

Is that idea freeing or terrifying to you? Let me know in the comments.

Let’s dive back into spirituality for a minute because I think there are some spiritual ideas that need to be clarified.

Constructs like the Law of Attraction remain true because we are energetic beings attracting certain types of experience based on our energy.

Constructs like balance or only getting as much as we can handle, are not true. The Universe doesn’t work like that. Experience just is. It happens.

Experience is the reflection of the energy and, when used in a helpful way, it can be a good reflection of who we are or our individual energy in any given moment. When not used in a helpful way, it creates unnecessary pain and suffering.

I ventured into philosophy because spirituality left questions. There were a lot of ego and human based constructs muddling up spiritual truth. It’s become a bit of a mission to sort out where human constructs start and stop as a means of understanding my human life.

If everything just is, then what happens when we stop seeking balance and start accepting neutrality?

I want to answer that question without the ego and human constructed limitations that we place on things. That’s what I’m aiming to do. I’m continuing to pull things apart to find the truth hidden within.

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Love to all.

