Exploring experience, perception, and meaning with a fresh, philosophical perspective. Join me as we question norms and embrace new ways of thinking.

Shifting Priorities, Understanding Myself

I’ve been away for quite a while working out my priorities by deciding what I actually wanted to do versus what I thought I needed to do. Where I got to was simple – I do not want to be a social media content creator. I kept trying to stuff myself into that box. I kept telling myself that I “needed” social media to be a writer. The consequence of it was that social media became the priority and I didn’t like it, so I walked away from the whole thing, even my writing. Now that I understand that I can do this completely without social media, I’m back to writing – just writing – because that’s what I want to do.

So, welcome or welcome back! It’s been a minute. By re-adjusting my priorities I’ve gotten back to exactly what I wanted to do. My original dream for my writing was to have a book shop with my own books, a blog like this, full-length books on Amazon, and a free informational or article site with all kinds of content on it, and my email subscription. My dream didn’t include social media until I decided somewhere that I needed to do that otherwise I couldn’t be a writer.

I follow a few writers on TikTok and every single one of them created a massive TikTok following and then wrote their books. Obviously, by doing it that way, their books do well. They have platforms and audiences for their products. I figured I should probably do the same thing. Nope. I can’t. I can’t even make myself. I get tired of that noise after a week. Facebook is even worse. I just get hit on by guys and I have to fight to be seen. While the model of building the following then doing the writing clearly works, it’s not for me.

I’m a writer. This right here is what I love to do! This blog, which I’m thinking will be weekly, will be a combination of sharing my own journey and also exploring further some of the concepts that I’m talking about.

I heard it said somewhere, “I write to think” and it’s completely true for me. My blog will be the place where I do my thinking. I have to write about things to understand them and over the course of the last 10 years or so, I’ve had a running blog somewhere that was a veritable public diary. It was the place where I took concepts to understand them and explore them more deeply.

Now, not everybody is going to be interested in my ramblings and that’s okay. Concepts that I’ve worked through will be on my “notes” site, which is becoming a collection of articles on different topics and ideas. There will be a combination of old ideas explained and new ideas that will be added regularly. Original concepts like spirituality and self-mastery are there along with existentialism and neutrality. Ultimately they come together to form a view of the world that is helpful, useful, and much less painful than it used to be.

Why do I share all this? To hopefully help others find a way to see the world that isn’t painful to them, to challenge human constructs and ways of being that cause pain, and to deepen my own understanding of the topics I write about.

I hope you’ll join me on this ride! You’ll find all the links at dellawren.com. Come dive down the rabbit hole with me as we explore spirituality and philosophy in a new and exciting way!

Love to all.

