with the Angler

“I feel as if I had loosed the bonds pretty completely & could pour everything in.”

§79 [18.v.24.a : samedi] Two weeks have passed and I’m still playing in my private garden … intentions to come out : unrealized. But today… today! / V.W. begins her next diary entry on Monday, 5th May and resumes it on Monday, 26th May, so we are keeping pace, V.W. & I ,, across the century. (I’d worried that through focusing so much on my M.O. that I was neglecting V.W. and her diary, but no, she’s waiting for me or perhaps… For it seems to me that this diary may die of London, if I’m not careful … or perhaps London is burning. Then V.W. writes, “One of these days I will write about London…” and I will write about “London 1965” & “the great fire of london” ,, just you wait and see.)

“But my mind is full of The Hours,” she writes and then maps out her plan : she will “write at it” for 4 months, June through September “& then it will be done, & I shall put it away for three months” October through December “during which I shall finish my essays” — then January through April she will revise (essays & novel, I presume ,, in parallel : ?). In April of 1925, The Common Reader (her essays) will be published. In May of 1925 (on the 14th) Mrs Dalloway will debut in print.

Tempting to adopt V.W.’s plan ,, to write along with, and why not? But I won’t wait until June to start, I’m already writing and have been writing … what I haven’t been doing is publishing, but the essays, “my” essays or “my” exegesis which points to the poetry project :: Orpheus … that I must begin again.