Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

A Better World

We’ve seen what happens
when people are so scared
of what’s different, of what they don’t understand
that they feel that the only way to deal with it
is to turn to violence

We’ve seen what happens
when people are so angry
that they feel that they have to hurt
people who can’t fight back
just to feel better

We’ve seen what happens
when people are so alone
that the only way they found to belong
was by joining with groups
defined by hatred

We’ve seen what happens
when people are so desperate for validation
that they will say anything
regardless of the consequences
just to get attention

There will always be people
who use violence, fear, and pain
to get what they want
to stop their own hurt
to find belonging
to make themselves feel better

But we are not defined by them
We are stronger than them
We who have the patience to build a better world
The kindness to accept change
The empathy to stand up for those in need

We can stand together
We can make this world better
We can make a world
in which no child ever
has to lose their life
because of a monster with a gun

#Poetry #Hope #Justice #Unity

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