Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Be Who You Are

Not long ago
You were always alone
And no matter how you tried
Nothing seemed to change that

But you changed so much
Trying so hard to fit in
To be accepted
To find somewhere to belong

Then one day you realized
That after so much pretending
You had no idea
how to be who you are

I know what that’s like
Because I was always alone
Constantly changing
so I could belong

So please believe me when I say
that I want you to be who you are
Not the face you created
because you don’t have to pretend anymore

I truly hope you will take time
to get to know the real you
and when you’ve found them, I hope too
that you will be who you are

#Poetry #BeYourself #Insecurity #LetYourRainbowShine #Loneliness #Encouragement

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