Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Beautiful Dream

You rest on my pillow beside me
Smiling when I smile at you
You rest your head on my shoulder
when no one else is around

When I'm lost and scared and alone
You take my hand and tell me it's alright
Then I remember that I'm not alone
Because you're never far behind

You light my way with hope
Pull love out of the air
That you drift seamlessly through
Smiling and laughing so I'll join in

Hope and love are your home
But you leave it for me when I'm hurt
I close my eyes and I see you
You close yours and press your forehead to mine

You never take anything from me
No matter what I offer you
Instead you help me dry my tears
And pull me back up to my feet

The most beautiful part of you
above all else, there's no contest
is that you're always there when I'm sad
but you sit back and smile with me when I'm glad

#Poetry #Love #Friendship #DualPoem

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