Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Fire Bird

On the ground I lie
my wings, broken and bloody
My flame is going out
as I let the darkness take me

No one needs my help
What’s the point of trying?
Anyone I find out there
could so easily be lying

Can’t I just give up?
It’s safer to stay here
to close my eyes
and give in to despair

Before I give up
Before I close my eyes
I see glimmers of hope
a handful of small lights

They come to my side
They help me to stand
and as I rise from the ashes
I remember who I am

I am the fire bird
blazing through the night sky
and no matter how broken my wings become
I will always find the strength to fly

I will always use my flame
to shine a light on the best of us
a spark of hope in the darkness
to help guide the rest of us

No matter what happens
No matter who tries to break me
I will keep my flame burning bright
and I won’t let anyone take that from me

#Poetry #Determination #Hope #MovingOn #SkysPicks

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