Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I Am Important

All my life
over and over
people have told me
that I'm not important

They ignored what I had to say
Stayed ignorant of my feelings
Refused to understand me
Scolded me for talking about my problems

It wasn't everyone
but it was enough people
to make me feel like
I didn't matter

It's so much easier
to hold it all inside
rather than facing that rejection
from the ones I love

But I must remember
that the people that love me...

Want me to share the things I love
care about how I'm feeling
work hard to understand me
try to help with my problems

They care about me
They love me
And to them

I am important

#Poetry #SelfLove #Depression #MentalHealth #Loneliness #Insecurity #Kindness

© 2024 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA