Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I Can Love Me

I believed that I was rotten
vile, so easily forgotten
An evil creature right to the inside
Made to be tossed aside
It’s so easy to see
that no one wants to be around me
Broken, disgusting, creepy
that’s how I learned to see me
But maybe there is something more
Maybe I can leap into the sky and soar

Could it be that I’m not broken or awful
but instead that I’m bright and colorful?
And those insecurities that I’m so afraid of
can I replace them with kindness and love?
Perhaps it’s time that I accept
that I’m worthy of all the love I get
If I give myself a chance, then maybe
I can finally love me

I’m climbing up from so far down
Starting to wear a smile instead of a frown
Helped along by the people that love me
I’m casting aside fear, learning to be free
And the real me that I buried deep inside
I’ll let them out with joy and pride
I’m beginning to win this fight
I can see now that I am beautiful and bright
I won’t let anyone make me feel terrible
Because now I know that I am special

I am beautiful, I know it’s true
The real me can finally shine through
And those insecurities I’m afraid to show
are just one color in my sparkling rainbow
It was always so easy to forget
But now I know that I’m worthy of the love I get
I’ve opened my eyes and at last I see
that I can love me

I’m appreciated, a good person
Worth loving, worth believing in
To so many, a special friend
Kind and loving to the end
I am a shining beacon of starlight
So happy to share my beautiful light

I finally understand
what others have been trying to tell me
and now at last I

I love me

#Poetry #SkysPicks #SelfLove #Hope #MentalHealth

Copy of I Can Love Me

© 2023 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA