Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I Know What It's Like

I know what it's like
to feel like you don't belong
To feel like you're the only one
who doesn't know the words to the song

I know what it's like
to struggle to go forward
Every step feels wrong
and you hate to go onward

I know what it's like
to be afraid all the time
for that whisper of fear
to be your only rhythm and rhyme

I know what it's like
to desperately want it to go away
And to know deep down
that it will never go away

I know what it's like
so when I tell you
that's not all there is
I hope it will get through

I know what it's like
to struggle to find hope
to find that small reason
that can help you cope

I know what it's like
So let me reach out my hand
when you've fallen down
and I'll help you to stand

#Poetry #Friendship #MentalHealth #Hope #Insecurity #Anxiety #AskingForHelp

© 2023 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA