Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I've Got a Plan

(Told from the perspective of Cohort from Girl in Red)

If your friends are like mine
Which can be a hassle at times
When everyone asks “what do we do?”
They're all going to look at you
If you're like me, you'll think of something
Though at first, I felt like such a dumb thing
Now when they say we can't, I say we can
Because I've got a plan

I grew up in the shadow of five brothers
Like that, it's hard to get the attention of others
You've got to work harder
Or maybe just smarter
I'd say don't take stupid risks
But I've taken at least six
Don't stick your head in the sand
Instead, come up with a plan

We've found ourselves outnumbered
But I've always remembered
We've probably faced worse
We'll dodge every spell and curse
It doesn't matter how many enemies there are
We get out with neither scratch nor scar
Against impossible odds, but still they ran
Because I had a plan

Sometimes, complications arise
I'm not really what you'd call wise
I can think at least eight moves ahead
But things don't always play out like they do in my head
I'm not saying all our problems are my fault
I'm not the one that ticked off an evil cult
But I'll never throw my friends under the tram
I'll get them out with another plan

I've said things that made sense at first
But then only made things worse
Even then, I've always had someone by my side
Although I don't always want to be the one to decide
Where we go next, what we're going to do
When I'm stuck, I know who to turn to
We'll win, I know we can
Because I've got a plan

#Poetry #GirlInRed #Confidence

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