Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Lost in the Dark

We all lose our way sometimes
Even the best of us
We fall into the dark
and can’t get back out

There are things in the dark
shadows, memories, nightmares
lurking where the light can’t go
taunting, laughing, whispering

And the fear always sets in
Not only of what’s in the dark
but that you won’t find your way out
that you’ll be trapped in there forever

But you’re not alone in the dark
We’re here to help you
Sometimes, it takes a helping hand
to find the light again

There are plenty of things to fear
but don’t let asking for help be one of them
when you’re lost in the dark
know that it’s okay to speak up and say

“I need help”

#Poetry #AskingForHelp #Fear #ICanStillSeeYourSunshine #MentalHealth

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