Scale the Cliffs of Ignorance
There will always be people
that tell you that your dreams are wrong
that you're not allowed to want something
no matter how much joy it brings you
They don't care about your feelings
Only in holding shut the doors to their minds
Building cliffs of ignorance all around them
So they will never understand
Ignore them
Keep fighting for your dreams
Do it in spite of them
Scale the cliffs of ignorance
Exist to show them they don't decide what's right for you
And when you're standing atop the mountain
beaming with joy and pride
They'll be at the bottom
Grumbling and groaning in their misery
Stand tall
Stand proud
And never let anyone else
decide what dreams you're allowed to have
#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Ignorance #Resilience #Determination
© 2024 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA