Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Staying Afloat

Sinking, struggling
Trying to stay afloat
I want so badly to close my eyes
let it all go dark
and give up

Nothing I used to love
has any meaning anymore
there’s no end to this
only me and the sea
and the endless dark

For a moment, I saw the light
the sun broke the clouds
And I felt its warmth on me again
And for a time
I had that light

That’s all gone now
I have nothing else
I took on too much
and it destroyed the boat
now the waves are all I have

What can I do now?
What I’ve always done
Struggle to stay afloat
Because I have more than just the waves
I have dreams

And I won’t let them die

#Poetry #Depression #Determination #Hope #MentalHealth

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