Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

The Gingerbread House

In the forest rests
a great gingerbread house
With glistening creams and candies
sweet, succulent, delicious

People from all over
flocked to that house
they dove in
devouring all they could

The beast that lived there
was never cross with them
it beckoned them come closer
to eat as much as they wanted

Because while they fed on the house
the beast fed on them
when the people noticed
it smiled and said sorry

But it fed on them all the same
because they couldn't resist the house
and any who refused to partake in it
were cast out of the world

I'm not asking you to stop eating it
I'm asking you to help me slay the beast
So that one day we can have our cakes
and not get eaten too

#Poetry #Community

The Story Behind The Gingerbread House

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