Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Voice of Hope

It's hard to ignore fear
It will keep you safe, I know
It keeps you alive, but see
that it doesn't let you live

You've got to look past the fear
See the bright sun up above
It's a long climb to reach it
The clouds might shroud it in shadow

But a new day's on its way
I'm sure it will be better than this
Bringing with it millions of possibilities
for life and joy and hope

The chance for happiness may be bleak
It may seem like it's torn from your grasp
That someone you loved is gone
Not long after you met

But there's always a spark of hope
A light shining in the black
It might not be what you wanted
It's still good, nonetheless

So survive to live your life
Keep looking forward to the dawn
When the sun will rise and end the night
And hope will shine again

#Poetry #Hope #DualPoem

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