Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

What Changes Lie Ahead

We look into the dark
We can't know what's there
What changes lie ahead
Just beyond our vision
So we squint and speculate
But we can only do so much
Until we venture down that dark tunnel

There are those terrified of that darkness
It's unknown, uncomfortable, and strange
Anything could be there
It wasn't what they knew so long ago
It wasn't the way it was before
And that could mean anything
It could mean everything changes
That they don't have the comforts they used to
Or that other people get what they have
While only working half as hard

So they fight to keep things the same
They spread fear into the hearts
of all those that can hear them
They spin lies like wool
Claiming they will keep you safe

But lies only divide us
That fear won't go away
Change is all around us
That dark tunnel is still there
Waiting, watching, knowing that one day
you too will have to venture down it

So hold your head up high
and take that first step
For only when you gather your courage
will you have a chance of peace
Only by accepting what is different
can you ever truly accept yourself

#Poetry #Life #AcceptingOthers

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