Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Whisper of Fear

Fear waits around every corner
In every dark alleyway
Behind the eyes of every stranger
Sheltered in the unseen and unknown

A shadow lurking in the dark
Whispering in your ear
The predator, waiting for its prey
To let down its guard

But fear keeps us safe
Reminds us not to get too close
It's easier to let fear take hold
To shut us off from the world

It's only trying to help
And it's hard to get close
Trust and happiness are gifts
Ripped away as soon as they've been given

Fear tells us how much we'll suffer
It whispers from the dark
To remind us not to get hurt
That it's not worth the price

That's the choice of the whisper
Stay safe alone in the dark
Or risk the pain of getting close
for a fleeting moment of happiness

#Poetry #MentalHealth #Fear #DualPoem

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