Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

Why Must Suffering Exist?

Why must suffering exist?
Why must love ones never return?
Why must we endure hardship
while those above us never learn?

Why can't we have a say
in what happens on the next page?
Why can't we be more to power
than a bird trapped in a cage?

Why must victory be ripped away
when it only just entered our grasp?
Why must the light be snuffed out
by the darkness without even a gasp?

Is there no way to end this struggle
Until someone loses and someone wins?
Is it so hard to say I'm sorry
And to forgive another for their sins?

Must we fear that which is different?
Can we accept others that aren't like us?
Can we agree upon what's real?
And cast out hatred without a fuss?

Suffering is precious
as much so as hope and light
without it, we wouldn't know
that there was even a fight

Why must there be suffering?
It exists so we may overcome it
We become united in suffering
And together, we will overcome it

#Poetry #Love #Hope #Unity

The Story Behind Why Must Suffering Exist?

© 2023 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA