from the space between thoughts


Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I'm River, and I am a practicing pagan witch. I followed a druidic path for over a decade, but my journey has since led me to walk a witchy way, guided by Hekate and inspired by folk magic.

I'm also a queer non-binary trans woman, and my experiences of gender inform my understanding of paganism, and vice versa.

I have a degree in theology and religious studies, with a specialism in the psychology of religious experience.

I'm fascinated by the intersections of paganism, gender, and culture – and the liminal spaces between where the boundaries are blurred and definitions are permeable, where our words become slippery and meaning enters in through silence.

This blog is going to be my space to think through writing about these things, as and when I encounter them.

I hope you enjoy stopping a while and sitting with these thoughts.

You can follow this blog on the Fediverse at and you can find me at

I also have a poetry page at and a space for short fiction at

See you round,

River Crow