In nomine Hekate
There are two lights:
One of rage and burning wrath,
Which sets ablaze their house of lies;
And one of hope and lantern-glow
That leads us safely through the dark.
Ἀποτρόπαια, look to us
Who live outside the bounds of law,
Be our fury and our shield,
Be the howling dogs at bay,
Be the vengeance of the dead.
Let your anger be our power,
Βριμώ, dreaded one of night.
Be the poison in their lungs
That chokes their hateful words
To silence.
I am destruction and creation,
I am the ghost who walks beside,
I am ice and I am fire,
I am she who knows their ending.
We are the key and we the gate,
We are the death and birth of worlds.