We all need a shit detector in our lives.

Not A Self Help Blog

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” ― Mark Twain

This is not a self-help blog; I dislike self-help or self-development blog. Instead, Theshitdetector is a blog about being yourself on a journey to discover who you are in a world that constantly confuses you. My stories are unique to me, and you are not me. I cannot guarantee that what I share will work for you, as I am not a psychologist nor do I claim to be one. Here's a disclaimer: everything I write reflects my personal experiences, the challenges I've faced, and the situations I've dealt with.

If you find yourself among these categories, then you might really need a sh*t detection wisdom. I don't claim I have all the answers for you, but: we'll try together. If you find yourself siding with the majority, it’s time to think and reflect.