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Fight League Atlantic 4

Hot off the heels of Fight League Atlantic 3, FLA returned for another MMA event. Fight League Atlantic 4 was broadcast live from the Tantramar Civic Center in Sackville, New Brunswick.

Before reading about how the action unfolded you can watch the FLA 4 trailer.

For this pro-am show all fights except the final two were three rounds of three minutes each. The last two bouts were three rounds of five minutes. It should also be noted that when on the ground no strikes to the head were allowed for the amateur bouts. The advanced amateur and professional bouts allowed strikes to the head when grounded.

Garret Rafuse versus Giancarlo Tamayo

135 lbs

Very fast start. Rafuse bolted across the cage to his opponent and strikes were exchanged. Rafuse landed a takedown half way through the first round, but Tamayo got on top with a guillotine. The action then went back to the feet for the rest of the round.

Second round saw more action on the feet until a punch from Rafuse caused a knockdown and the referee stopped the fight soon after. The winner of the first fight by TKO was Garret Rafuse.

Devin Turner versus Mark Palmer

145 lbs

At the start of round one Turner immediately got a clinch, brought the fight to the ground, and went to mount. Turner sunk in an arm triangle and Palmer went unconscious. The winner of the second fight by submission was Devin Turner.

Yannick Jacob versus Charles Gallagher

170 lbs

Jacob got the takedown early with a Sumi Gaeshi throw. He worked in side control for a bit then attempted to go to mount and briefly got caught in half-guard. After freeing his leg Jacob setup a guillotine and finished the choke in mount. The winner of the third fight by submission was Yannick Jacob.

Khalifa Hamilton versus Zach Young

135 lbs

There was some good striking in the first round with Young getting the better of things. In round two Hamilton shot for a takedown, but Young threatened a guillotine and got on top. He stayed on top for the rest of the round. Early in the third round Young landed a big punch to the head of his opponent to end the fight. The winner of the fourth fight by TKO was Zack Young.

David Chapman versus Zach Raymond

145 lbs

Shout out to David Chapman for entering the cage to Tarzan Boy. Round one started with some leg kicks being landed. Chapman got a knockdown and the fight then turned into a brawl for the rest of the round. In round two Raymond landed a knockout punch to end the fight. The winner of the fifth fight by KO was Zach Raymond

Rory Gillis versus Matt Macdonald

175 lbs

There was a brief grappling exchange to start round one. After a bit more action on the feet some work was done on the mat. Gillis probably won the round due to his ground work.

Round two started fast and Macdonald landed some strong shots to the head. Gillis survived and the pace settled down. There was some good ground work near the end of the round by Gillis, but Macdonald probably took the round.

In round three Gillis got the takedown early and displayed strong control throughout the round. This was the first fight tonight to go the distance. The winner of the sixth fight by unanimous decision was Rory Gillis.

Rob Logan versus Kalem Furey

190 lbs

Furey landed a teep kick to start the fight. For most of round one Furey was able to press Logan against the cage, but near the end of the round managed to land some big punches. A minute into round two Furey started landing hard shots again so Logan went for a takedown. Logan wound up in the guard of Furey for the rest of the round.

For round three Logan spent most of the round on top after the fighters went to the ground. The winner of the seventh fight by split decision was Kalem Furey.

Josh Leblanc versus Jimmy Pineault

155 lbs

Both men put in a solid performance for round one. In round two we could really see how composed each fighter was. There was a lot more solid technique than brawling. Leblanc locked in a guillotine and finished the fight in the second round. The winner of the eight fight by submission was Josh Leblanc.

Corey Forsythe versus Sebastian Akerley

145 lbs

This fight got off to a fast start and Akerley got the win with punches. The winner of the ninth fight by TKO was Sebastian Akerley.

Jerico MacPhee versus Jesse Heartz

155 lbs

This was the first pro fight of the night. There was some solid striking to start the first round, but MacPhee brought the fight to the ground. It ended up being an incredible first round that ended with seconds to go when MacPhee sunk in an arm triangle. The winner of the tenth fight by submission was Jerico MacPhee.

Justin Bourgeois versus Patrick Connors

150 lbs

The main event and second pro fight of the night was ended by a short shot from Conners in the first round. The winner of the eleventh fight and main event by KO was Patrick Connors.

FLA 4 was another impressive MMA event from Fight League Atlantic. The production was on point and I was impressed by the skill level on display in each bout. The replay of FLA 4 should be available for purchase on Monday, June 13th, 2022 for $19.99 on the Fight League Atlantic website.

This work by Thomas Lloyd is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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