A personal blog about Jiu Jitsu, anime, and whatever else comes out of my brain

Some YouTubers I Follow Part Seven

Part seven in this series of blog posts in which I write about YouTube channels I follow!

The School of Life

The School of Life is an organization created by Alain de Botton that makes YouTube videos and offers other materials that helps people live better lives. Videos such as On Feeling Stuck and How to Tame a Pitiless Inner Critic contain genuinely helpful advice!


This channel is so good! Vapourwave + classic puroresu (Japanese pro wrestling)! Check out this Manami Toyota highlight video or this tribute to Hana Kimura. I also loved their Crush Gals highlight video which was followed by a part two. If you want more purowave they have a patreon you could check out!


Little V creates covers of video game and anime music along with the occasional original song. Some of my favourites of his include Sonic Adventure 2 - Escape from the City, Yakuza 0 - Friday Night, and Battle Cry. That last one is an original song and Kenny Omega's entrance theme in AEW!

Stay tuned for more channel recommendations!

This is my day 66 post for #100daystooffload

This work by Thomas Lloyd is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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