A personal blog about Jiu Jitsu, anime, and whatever else comes out of my brain

Some YouTubers I Follow Part Two

Part two in this series of blog posts in which I write about YouTube channels I follow!

Andreas Kling

Andreas Kling's YouTube channel documents his adventures building an operating system from scratch! His OS is known as SerenityOS and he describes it as a love letter to '90s user interfaces with a custom Unix-like core. I've never taken the time to try out SerenityOS in a virtual machine but it's a super cool project.

Also contained on this channel are "car talks". From his car to your YouTube account, Andreas talks about various life and software development topics. His answers to people's questions are always thoughtful and can be quite inspiring!

Super Eyepatch Wolf

On of my favourite YouTube creator's right here! A wide variety of media are covered in this channel including topics such as Sonic the Hedgehog fan works, the world of fake martial arts, and horror manga. All of these video essays are well produced and give viewers a look into subjects they may have no interest in previously. However if given the chance Super Eyepatch Wolf will make you care and drag you down many a rabbit hole.

Abroad in Japan

A popular channel created by Chris Broad all about Japanese life and culture. Chris' videos are always funny and sometimes educational! Examples of the intimate look he gives to Japanese culture can be found in a recent video on a street food market.

Bonus Recommendation: Fight Quest Stories

Fight Quest Stories can be found on the channel of MMA fighter and broadcaster Jimmy Smith. To give some background Fight Quest was a show that aired on the Discovery Channel back in 2008. The show followed Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson as they went to different countries and trained in the martial arts style of that location. From Kung Fu and Sanda in China to Krav Maga in Israel to Muay Thai in Thailand a wide variety of both combative and more traditional styles were covered. As part of each show they would suffer through brutal training for five or so days then fight somebody trained in that style at the end of their time in a country.

Fight Quest Stories is a series of videos in which Smith gives all the juicy behind the scenes details on this beloved but short lived television show. Really entertaining stuff if you had ever watched Fight Quest back in the day!

Stay tuned for more channel recommendations!

This is my day 60 post for #100daystooffload

This work by Thomas Lloyd is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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If you have comments / questions send an email to thomas.lloyd@hey.com

You can also contact me on Mastodon where my account is @thmslld@fosstodon.org
